How to turn fear into faith when trying to conceive
“Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see.”
The antidote to fear is faith (which is something many of us lack today. You do not have to be religious to have faith. Faith is a CHOICE. Really. A choice that often requires a few mindset shifts.
You might be wondering HOW you start to make this shift?
Here are a few things you can do to begin transforming your fear into faith:
Write down a list of your fears. Take a moment to choose ONE that stands out to you the most.
Write your fear down as a positive “what if” statement:
For example: if your fear is: “I am afraid my body is too old to conceive a baby”, then you would rewrite it as: “what if this was the perfect age to have a baby at?”Continue to imagine a scenario where this positive, what if statement were true. Be creative, have fun! Write down all the good that could come from your positive "what if" statement.
Now reread what you have written and pay particular attention to how you feel while reading those words.
Later, you may want to rephrase your positive “what if” statement as an affirmation. So this would mean taking the “what if” away and phrasing it as a “I am” statement instead:
Ex: “I am at the perfect (or just right if you don’t like the word perfect) age to have a healthy pregnancy and baby.Finally, you can rewrite your affirmation on a small paper and place it somewhere like next to your bed so you will read it morning and night.
*** remember, repetition is key to this exercise
*** it’s best to repeat your affirmation when you are in a deep state of relaxation (which is similar to hypnosis). It’s easier to reprogram our thoughts in this brain state.
A perfect time to do this exercise would be after my free 60 minute Fertility Yoga class.
You get to choose to have faith.
You get to choose the words you say to yourself.
Transforming your fears into faith is a practice.
A practice that requires consistent, daily effort.
Baby steps.
One day at a time,
One thought at a time,
You will get there.
If you are curious about how these practices can help you on your fertility journey the following post could be an interesting read: Infertility explained from an East-meets-West-perspective.
About Lauren Enright
Lauren Enright is a mindfulness, movement and meditation teacher, women's health educator and birth doula. A former neuroscientist and high school educator, she loves to blend together science and spirituality in her workshops and classes. Her mission is to educate, empower, and support folks so they may live their Motherhood journey with more ease and less worry.