How to deepen your meditation practice, or simply begin
I'm sure you've heard the expression "less is more", right?
Recently I found myself contemplating this saying after my morning meditation practice.
I was on day 22 of a 40 day meditation program. Every weekday, my teacher leads the EXACT SAME 22 minute long meditation.
You may or may not have experience with meditation, so to get a feeling for what this might be like try to imagine yourself doing the same 20 minute yoga sequence forty times!
BO-ring, right?!?
And yes, as boring as it may be, there can be so much value in repetition, if we open ourselves up to the experience (and don't let our limiting beliefs get in the way).
By repeating the same meditation every morning I have been able to deepen my practice like never before.
The power of repetition for learning and lasting change in our behavior is also supported by brain science (as you may know I used to be a neuroscientist in a former life👩🏻🔬).
"Neurons that fire together wire together" is a phrase that was first used in 1949 by neuropsychologist Donald Hebb to describe how pathways in the brain are formed and reinforced through repetition.
Despite knowing this, I still struggle with repetition as novelty seems so much more exciting to my brain (quite literally!).
But when it comes to meditation or your physical asana practice, although the meditation or postures may be the same, what IS different is YOU!
Each meditation or yoga practice changes you one tiny little bit, and when you begin to notice these subtle changes in your mind, body, and heart, coming back to your meditation cushion or yoga mat for "the same old practice" no longer seems boring because you are approaching it through a new lens.
If you have been wanting to get back into a meditation practice, I have a treat for you 🍭. A meditation treat that is 😉
My new Meditation Made Easy course includes not one, but TEN 20 minute long guided meditations.
This means that if you repeated each meditation 10 times (let's say over 2 weeks) you would have 3 months of meditation with me!
Lauren Enright is a yoga teacher, birth doula, and life coach. A former neuroscientist and high school educator, she loves to blend together science and spirituality in her work. Her mission is to educate, empower, and support folks so they may live their Motherhood journey with more joy and less struggle.
Practice mindfulness, movement, and meditation with Lauren on her Youtube channel.