Meet Fertility Warrior, C.L.

Age: 36 years old
Number of years TTC: 1 year


  • Unexplained secondary infertility

  • Recurring miscarriages (4 losses over 3 years)

Fertility Treatments done prior to FFW:

  • none before Fertile from Within


Before joining FFW

Physically, C.L. was feeling good with her diet, exercise, cycle tracking and routine. Mentally, she wasn’t feeling at peace, ready, or connected with her body (too much overthinking). Emotionally, C.L.’s was all over the place. She was feeling sad and had lots of grief from her four miscarriages. She was also down as to why she was not able to conceive despite working on her physical body. And spiritually, she felt so apart from God and felt life was unfair.


Motivation for joining FFW

C.L. wanted something different than just working on her physical body. She always loved yoga and wanted to love yoga again and be connected with herself and her body. Her body felt lost and she hadn’t been able to put herself first, especially after giving birth to her first child.


The FFW Experience

C.L. is an introvert and wasn’t sure if a group setting was for her as she is not someone who speaks up easily. Also, getting into the routine of weekly coaching calls, meditations, and a yoga routine at the start were challenging for her.

But, throughout the program, C.L.’s favourite part ended up being the weekly themed meditations, group coaching calls and voxer support!

The program helped her get her life back and connect with her body so much to the point that she doesn’t even feel she needs to get pregnant in order to be content.


The Transformation

C.L. feels more at ease and peaceful now. Like anything can bring her joy and gratitude. She has more appreciation of things around her. She also realized that it’s not about the next steps, not about overthinking, it’s about enjoying and surrendering to the present. She feels more relaxed and is able to release control. She can regulate her emotions better and recognize them before any outbursts. She is a sensitive person and gets triggered easily but now she is able to come back to her baseline much quicker and feels less tired than before. She now also feels very connected to God, trusts in divine timing.

This group coaching program will be the last step or investment you are going to make before you get pregnant. I used to pause my life to fall pregnant and do all the “should be doing” things to get pregnant and I am so glad that I regained my life and sanity back through this program. I believe the program is the number one contributing factor to me getting and staying pregnant! Also, what I learned during the program has continued to help me with my pregnancy now. I believe the investment is not only short term but for the life long journey of Motherhood.
— C.L.

Meet Fertility Warrior, L.K.


Meet Fertility Warrior, L.K.