Meet Fertility Warrior, L.K.
Age: 31 years old
Number of years TTC: Less than a year
generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
Fertility Treatments done prior to FFW:
no fertility treatments yet
*Since taking the program, L.K. has given birth to her first child
Before joining FFW
Before joining the program, L.K. felt disconnected from herself emotionally. She found herself dwelling more in the past and the future than in the present moment. Her thoughts consumed her, and she struggled to connect with her body. She was eager for immediate results and was uncertain about how to handle resistance when it arose within her
Motivation for joining FFW
L.K. felt that she needed a support system beyond the internet and her partner. Since she hadn't informed people about their attempts to conceive, she required a verbal outlet to connect with her emotions during her fertility journey.
The FFW Experience
The topics covered in the program (fear, resistance, manifestation, surrender, co-creation, awareness, and acceptance) helped L.K. feel wiser, more spiritually connected, and more in touch with herself.
All aspects of L.K’s life, including work, relationships, and her fertility journey improved thanks to the tools and lessons learned throughout the program, especially the nervous system and emotional regulation.
The Transformation
L.K. is now calmer and more present around people. She has cultivated greater compassion and non-judgment towards both herself and others. L.K. has developed a new connection with morning meditations, experiencing a subtle shift in her energy and aura when she engages in meditation. She possesses a toolkit that she can use during the highs and lows of her day, which has proven invaluable in enhancing the quality of her life.
“This program is so worth it.
It will help you to become the aspiring Mother you want to be. I know I’ll be using and referencing the tools we learned well beyond the end of the program. Tools such as empowering beliefs,and simple daily rituals to help me connect with myself and my
Spirit baby.”